Neuropsychological Evaluations

Our brain activity modulates our behavior and overall mental health. Neuropsychological assessments measure their activity. This includes various tasks to gauge memory, cognition, and intellectual and emotional functioning. Often the common symptoms for a suggested neuropsychological evaluation are change in behavior, deterioration of memory, reduced executive functioning, and difficulty in conducting routine tasks.
Neuropsychological evaluations are important for the appropriate diagnosis to generate treatment and therapy plans. Additionally, it also helps you to know the improvement or lack of it from the therapy or treatment. Also, these evaluations also help you to know more about your brain activity which could be used to improve your life.
Mental Health Issues /diagnoses that we evaluate
Alzheimer's Disease
Aging-associated brain activity decline
Frontal and temporal lobe dysfunction
Learning disorders
If undiagnosed and managed appropriately, the above-mentioned mental health issues pose a significant challenge to our daily life and interaction with society. Therefore it is important to get neuropsychological evaluations performed to pinpoint the aberrations in brain activity and provide a diagnosis and manage treatment. The following criteria describe some of the medically required circumstances that necessitate neuropsychological evaluations.
When there are mild or questionable deficits on the standard mental status testing or clinical interview, a neuropsychological assessment is needed to establish the presence of abnormalities and distinguish them from changes that may occur with normal aging, or the expected progression of other disease processes.
When neuropsychological data can be combined with clinical, laboratory, and neuroimaging data to assist in establishing a clinical diagnosis of neurological or systemic conditions known to affect the central nervous system (CNS) functioning.
When there is a need to quantify cognitive or behavioral deficits related to CNS impairment, especially when the information will be useful in determining a prognosis or informing treatment planning by determining the rate of disease progression.
When there is a need for a pre-surgical or treatment-related cognitive evaluation to determine whether one might safely proceed with a medical or surgical procedure that may affect brain function (e.g., deep brain stimulation, resection of brain tumors or arteriovenous malformations, epilepsy surgery, stem cell transplant) or significantly alter a patient’s functional status.
When there is a need to assess the potential impact of adverse effects of therapeutic substances that may cause cognitive impairment (e.g., radiation, chemotherapy, antiepileptic medications), especially when this information is utilized to determine treatment planning.
When there is a need to monitor progression, recovery, and response to changing treatments, in patients with CNS disorders, to establish the most effective plan of care.
When there is a need for objective measurement of the patient’s subjective complaints about memory, attention, or other cognitive dysfunction, which serves to determine treatment by differentiating psychogenic from neurogenic syndromes (e.g., dementia vs. depression).
When there is a need to establish a treatment plan by determining functional abilities/impairments in individuals with known or suspected CNS disorders.
To determine functional capacity for health care decision-making, work, independent living, managing craniofacial or Down syndrome patients; transplant or bariatric surgeries in patients with diminished capacity), complex treatment regimens (e.g., surgeries to modify the facial appearance, hearing, or tongue debulking in effectively in When there is a need to determine whether a patient can comprehend and participate financial affairs, etc.
When there is a need to design, administer, and/or monitor outcomes of cognitive rehabilitation procedures, such as compensatory memory training for brain-injured patients.
Assessment of neurocognitive functions for the formulation of rehabilitation and/or management strategies among individuals with neuropsychiatric disorders.
When there is a need to diagnose cognitive or functional deficits in children and adolescents based on an inability to develop expected knowledge, skills, or abilities as required to adapt to new or changing cognitive, social, emotional, or physical demands.
Evaluation Fees
Evaluation fees: 400/ hour. The test is always performed by the experienced psychologist who is licensed to practice in MD.
Contact Us for further information.